CS371p Spring 2020: Rahul Ramaswamy
Week of 2 Mar — 8 Mar
What did you do this past week?
This past week I had an exam in M 358K, Applied Statistics. So, I spent the majority of my time studying for that exam. I also did not have much other work to do this week.
What’s in your way?
Nothing is in my way right now. I just need to start reviewing the material for the upcoming exam for this class.
What will you do next week?
This next week, I will study for the exam and start on the third project. I will most likely review all of the in-class hackerrank questions and all of the class notes.
What was your experience of range_iterator
, range
and iteration? (this question will vary, week to week)
I use python a lot outside of class and the built-in range function to iterate over a sequence of integers. Implementing the range_iterator and range class in C++ gave me insight into how the Python function works. This led me to realize that python does not have regular for-loops like C++ or Java, and instead, it only has foreach loops. It was also helpful to learn about iterators and how they are used implemented in C++.
What made you happy this week?
This week I got a chance to play poker with some of the USIT alumni, which was a fun experience. We had enough people to have three games running at the same time which made things even more exciting.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week is MIT OpenCourseWare’s lecture series. Whenever I want to learn new material or want to learn more in a certain subject I watch some of MIT’s lecture series. They are usually pretty informative. For example, I have seen the Intro to Poker Theory lecture series which goes into a lot of the basic theory of the game and teaches you the math behind decision making. I have also watched a few lectures from the Financial Mathematics course which was also pretty interesting. Overall, they have recorded lectures for pretty much every class you could think of and they cover the material very thoroughly.