CS371p Spring 2020: Rahul Ramaswamy

Rahul Ramaswamy
2 min readFeb 10, 2020


Week of 3 Feb — 9 Feb

What did you do this past week?

This past week I began working on the Collatz project and made solid progress towards finishing it. Outside of this class, I have not had much other work, so it has been a pretty relaxed week for me. I have also started working on writing some algorithmic trading strategies within a student org called QMI, a quantitative finance team.

What’s in your way?

I’m currently having a few issues getting implementing a cache for Collatz, but I plan on fixing it today. Other than that, I have not had anything else in my way this week.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will finish the Collatz project and hopefully be fully comfortable with testing frameworks. I also need to complete the Academic Integrity Quiz which I should be able to get done today or tomorrow.

What was your experience of exceptions, references, and consts? (this question will vary, week to week)

Before learning about these concepts in class I had experience with exceptions and try-catch blocks. I knew about references but I did not know how they were implemented before this. I had only used consts in the read-only variable context without pointers. The lectures were helpful in showing me the various use cases for implementing these tools/features.

What made you happy this week?

This week I was happy to catch up on some work that I was behind in. I was behind on my readings for literature, so it felt good to finally catch up on them.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is tmux. Tmux is a terminal multiplier for Unix systems, which means that you can split a single-window into multiple terminal sessions. This can be pretty helpful when multitasking in the terminal. For example, I use it when I want to code in one terminal, use git commands, and open a juptyer notebook in another one. I prefer this to open multiple windows since it is easier to switch windows from something like chrome to the terminal in one alt-tab click.



Rahul Ramaswamy
Rahul Ramaswamy

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